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Functions of GCCA

І. The main functions of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency are:
1. According to the Law on Cadastre and Property Register:
•    creation and maintenance of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers for the territory of the whole country;
•    development of drafts of laws and by-laws in the field of cadastre and geodesy, as well as programs and concepts for development of this activity;
•    carrying out the activity according to the cadastre in coordination with activities according to the Property Register, EKATTE, BULSTAT, ESGRAON, the registers of the state and municipal properties;
•    performing administrative and technical services to citizens, departments, municipalities and other users of cadastral information;
•    maintenance of the state geodetic, cartographic and cadastral fund;
•    keeping the registers of the persons, qualified to perform activities in cadastre, geodesy and cartography.
2. According to the Law on Geodesy and Cartography:
•    creation and maintenance of the state topographic maps in scales 1: 5000 and 1: 10 000 for the territory of the country;
•    maintenance of the state leveling network and the network tide gouge stations;
•    maintenance of geodetic networks with local purpose;
•    creation and maintenance of topographic databases and the geoinformation system;
•    carrying out the technical activity for the establishment of the geographical names in the Republic of Bulgaria, keeping their register, creation and maintenance of a database and information system for them;
•    implementation of interaction and cooperation with state bodies, as well as with other organizations in the country and abroad.
ІІ. Sectors of activity and clients
The sectors which depend on the data that the Agency collects, creates, maintains and stores are:
•    Real estate market;
•    Spatial and spatial planning;
•    Infrastructure;
•    Environmental protection.
The clients of the Agency are of two types: the citizens as real estate owners and the key clients. Key clients can be divided into several main groups, each group having its own specific requirements:
•    Central administrations;
•    Municipal administrations;
•    Legal entities;
•    Courts;
•    Registry judges;
•    Notaries;
•    Real Estate Agency;
•    Commercial banks;
•    Investors;
•    Companies in the field of energy;
•    Public and private bailiffs.
For the services it provides, GCCA collects fees which can be found in the document - Tariff № 14 for fees that are collected in the system of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and by the regional governors.

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