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Effective from 30.09.2016

Adopted by the Council of Ministers № 242 dated 17.09.2016

Prom. SG. issue 76 of 30 September 2016, amended and ext. SG. issue 39 of 11 May 2018, amended and ext. SG. issue 54 of June 16, 2020

Chapter One.


Art. 1. The regulations shall determine the activity, structure, organization of work and composition of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency, hereinafter referred to as "the Agency", as well as the functions of its administrative units.

Art. 2. (1) The Agency shall be an executive agency under the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works for carrying out the activities under the cadastre according to the Law for the cadastre and the property register (CPRA) and the Law for the arrangement of the Black Sea coast (LPCA) and of the activities geodesy and cartography according to the Law on Geodesy and Cartography (ZGK).

(2) The Agency shall be a legal entity with a seat in the city of Sofia and with territorial units - services in geodesy, cartography and cadastre, in the administrative centers of the districts.

Art. 3. (1) The Agency shall be managed and represented by an executive director, who shall be appointed by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works in coordination with the Prime Minister.

(2) The Executive Director of the Agency shall be a secondary budget manager under the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.

Chapter two.

Art. 4. (1) The Executive Director of the Agency shall:

1. manage and represent the Agency;

2. organize the activities for the creation and maintenance of the cadastre;

3. plan and organize the activities in geodesy, cartography, geoinformation technologies and geoinformatics;

4. plan and administer the financial resources provided to the Agency;

5. organize and coordinate the actions related to the activity of the Agency, including the financial one, and control their legality and expediency;

6. organize the administrative service with cadastral, geodetic, cartographic and geoinformation data and data from the specialized maps and registers under the LPCA;

7. organize the development of long-term and annual programs for the activity for the creation of the cadastre and the property register, as well as of a long-term program for the development of the geodesy and cartography;

8. coordinate the activities on the cadastre with the activities on the property register, as well as the activities on the application of art. 7, para. 2 and Chapter Four of the CPRA;

9. coordinate the activities on the cadastre, geodesy, cartography, geoinformation technologies and geoinformatics;

10. organize and coordinate the activities for the creation and maintenance of the specialized maps and registers of the sites under art. 6, para. 4 and 5 ABSCD;

11. organize the keeping of registers of the qualified persons;

12. organize the development of drafts of normative acts in the field of cadastre, geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics and of methodical instructions on their application, as well as make proposals to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works for harmonization of the national legislation with the guidelines for development of these areas in the European Union;

13. organize the development of concepts and guidelines for the development of the cadastre, geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics;

14. provide to the state bodies analyzes and statistical data;

15. organize the provision of information from the information system of the cadastre and from the geoinformation system;

16. organize the activity of international cooperation, as well as make proposals to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works for concluding, acceding, ratifying, denouncing and amending international treaties and for participation in international organizations;

17. organize the maintenance of the qualification of the employees in the Agency;

18. appoint and dismiss the civil servants in the Agency;

19. conclude, amend and terminate the employment contracts with the persons, working under labor legal relation;

20. approve the work schedule of the Agency;

21. submit to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works an annual report on the activities of the Agency;

22. manage the activities for management of the property of the Agency;

23. exercise other powers determined by law;

24. organize the activity of the State Geodetic, Cartographic and Cadastral Fund (Geocard Fund);

25. organize and support the activity of the Council for standardization of the geographical names at the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works;

26. organize the establishment of the geographical names in the Republic of Bulgaria and the keeping of a register for them;

27. (New, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018) assist the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works in the implementation of seismic risk mapping activities.

(2) (suppl. - SG 39/2018, in force from 11.05.2018) The functions of the executive director in his absence or when he uses statutory leave shall be performed by an employee of a managerial position in the Agency, appointed by written order of the Executive Director of the Agency.

(3) In fulfillment of his powers the executive director shall issue orders.

Art. 5. The Executive Director may provide according to art. 11, para. 2 CPRA its functions, rights and obligations of the heads of services in geodesy, cartography and cadastre.

Chapter three.


Section I.

General Information

Art. 6. (1) (Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018, amended and supplemented, SG No. 54 2020, effective 16.06.2020 d.) The Agency is structured in a general and specialized administration, an information security officer, a financial controller and a network and information security officer.

(2) The number of the administrative units in the Agency is indicated in the appendix.

Section II.

Secretary General

Art. 7. (1) The administrative management of the administration of the Agency shall be carried out by a secretary general, who shall be appointed by the executive director.

(2) The Secretary General:

1. ensure organizationally the connection between the executive director of the Agency and the administrative units, as well as between the administrative units;

2. organize the distribution of the tasks for implementation between the administrative units of the Agency;

3. exercise the general control over the implementation of the assigned tasks;

4. create conditions for normal and effective work of the units of the Agency;

5. exercise control over the incoming and outgoing correspondence (documentation);

6. approve the job descriptions of the employees in the Agency;

7. organize the preparation of the work schedule of the Agency.

(3) In the absence of the Secretary General, his functions shall be performed by an employee in a managerial position, determined by a written order of the Executive Director.

Section III.

Information Security Officer. Finance Controller. Network and Information Security Officer (Title amended, SG No. 54/2020, effective 16.06.2020)


Art. 8. (1) The information security officer shall be under the direct supervision of the executive director and shall manage a registry for the classified information, shall perform the tasks assigned to him by the Classified Information Protection Act (PCIA) and shall be responsible for the proper creation, processing, storage and transmission of classified information.

(2) In fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him by CIPA, the information security officer shall:

1. monitors compliance with the requirements of the CIPA;

2. apply the rules regarding the types of protection of the classified information;

3. develop a plan for protection of the Agency through physical and technical means and monitor its implementation;

4. perform periodic inspections of the reporting and the movement of the materials and the documents, containing classified information;

5. carry out the procedure for the ordinary research according to art. 47 of the CIPA and keeps a register of the surveyed persons;

6. monitor the correct determination of the level of the classified information, keep records of the cases of unregulated access and propose to the executive director measures for their elimination;

7. organize and conduct the training of the employees in the Agency for protection of the classified information;

8. develop a plan for protection of the classified information in case of war, in case of military or other state of emergency;

9. perform other tasks, arising from the normative acts, regulating the protection of the classified information.

Art. 9. (1) The financial controller shall be under the direct subordination of the executive director.

(2) The financial controller shall carry out preliminary control for legality according to the Law for the financial management and the control in the public sector and the methodology of the Minister of Finance.

(3) The financial controller shall carry out the necessary inspections and shall express an opinion on legality before taking a decision related to the financial activity of the Agency. The order and the manner of performing preliminary control by the financial controller shall be determined by internal acts of the executive director.

Art. 9a. (New, SG No. 54/2020, effective 16.06.2020) (1) The network and information security officer shall be under the direct supervision of the executive director.

(2) In fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him by the Cybersecurity Act and the Electronic Government Act and by the by-laws on their implementation, the network and information security officer shall:

1. manage the activities related to achieving a high level of network and information security and the goals set in the policy of the Agency;

2. participate in the preparation, maintenance and development of the policies for network and information security and the documented information;

3. participate in the maintenance and development of the Information Security Management System according to the international standard ISO 27001;

4. consult the management of the Agency in connection with the information security; periodically (at least once a year) prepare reports on the state of network and information security in the Agency and submit them to the Executive Director of the Agency;

6. coordinate the trainings related to the network and information security;

7. maintain relations with other administrations, organizations and experts working in the field of information security;

8. monitor the accurate keeping of the register of the incidents and organize analysis of the incidents with the network and information security, for finding the reasons for them and undertaking measures for their elimination;

9. monitor the emergence of new cyber threats (viruses, malicious code, spam, attacks, etc.) and propose adequate measures to counter them;

10. Propose sanctions for the persons who have violated the measures for the network and information security;

11. perform other tasks, arising from the normative acts, regulating the network and information security.

Section IV.

Internal Audit Department (Repealed, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018)

Art. 10. (Repealed, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018)

Section V.

General administration


Art. 11. (Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018) The General Administration shall be organized in the Administrative-Legal and Financial Services Directorate.

Art. 12. (Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018) "Administrative-Legal and Financial Services" Directorate:

1. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) organize and carry out the legal service, including in connection with contracts, agreements, draft orders, procedural representation in cases, coordination of draft acts prepared by the administration;

2. organize the activities and render methodological assistance in the administrative servicing of the natural and legal persons, including the organization and conclusion of agreements with municipalities and departments for provision of services and data from the cadastral map and cadastral registers and for provision of services from the Geocard Fund, as well as agreements with municipalities and departments for joint activity in the administrative servicing of individuals and legal entities;

3. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

4. perform the office service, including the processing of the incoming and outgoing documents and the internal mail, completing and keeping the institutional archive;

5. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) organize the activities for the recruitment and selection of the personnel; organizes and renders methodological assistance in conducting competitions for entering the civil service in the Agency; prepares the acts related to the emergence, amendment and termination of the official and labor legal relations; prepares and updates the job and nominal staff schedules; keeps and stores the official and labor files; organizes and supports the implementation of procedures for evaluation and career growth of employees, organizes training and professional development; performs the activities for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions according to the normative acts;

6. prepare opinions on the application of CPRA and of the Civil Procedure Code and participate in the development of drafts of normative acts in the field of cadastre, geodesy, cartography and geoinformatics and of methodological instructions on their application; coordinates drafts of normative acts prepared by other departments;

7. prepare answers to complaints, proposals and signals of natural and legal persons on issues related to the activities for the administrative servicing;

8. prepare the tender documentation on the procedures for awarding public procurements, plans, reports and other documents according to the Public Procurement Act (PPA), including contracts, agreements, draft orders; organizes the conduct of the procedures according to the Public Procurement Act;

9. keep the register of the contracts and agreements in the Agency and ensure the storage of their files;

10. organize and perform the financial and accounting services of the Agency in accordance with the requirements of the national legislation, including the drawing up of the draft budget;

11. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) administer the expenses, performed by the Agency, and prepare financial reports and analyzes;

12. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

13. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

14. ensure the storage of the accounting documents in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Act and the internal rules and instructions;

15. support and coordinate the activity of the Agency in connection with its participation in international activities in the field of geodesy, cartography and cadastre;

16. plan and study possibilities for additional sources of financing of the activities performed by the Agency;

17. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

18. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) maintain contacts of the Agency in the country and abroad and conduct media strategies and policies;

19. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) carry out the material and technical supply of the Agency with machines and equipment, spare parts, inventory, consumables and furniture;

20. be responsible for the correct, lawful and effective use, management and protection of the movables provided to the Agency;

21. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) ensure the maintenance of the building stock, the installations and the facilities;

22. organize and carry out the complete technical servicing of the Agency with transport, as well as the registration of motor vehicles, insurance, maintenance, repair and annual inspections.

23. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

Art. 13. (Repealed, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018)

Section VI.

Specialized administration


Art. 14. (amend. SG 39/2018, in force from 11.05.2018, amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) The specialized administration is organized in the Cadastral and Specialized Maps Directorate, the Geodesy and Cartography Directorate, the Information Technologies and Spatial Data Directorate and the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Services.

Art. 14a. (New, SG No. 54/2020, effective 16.06.2020) Cadastral and Specialized Maps Directorate:

1. assist the executive director in the implementation of the coordination and control of the activities in the field of the cadastre;

2. develop a long-term and annual program under Art. 94, para. 2 of CPRA and prepares the reports for their implementation;

3. prepare analyzes, reports, statistical inquiries, statements and answers to received questions in the field of the cadastre and regarding the activity for creation, maintenance and control of the specialized maps and registers of the sites under art. 6, para. 4 and 5 of the LCA;

4. participate in the elaboration of drafts of normative acts in the field of the cadastre and of the specialized maps and registers, develop methodical instructions on their application and co-ordinate drafts of normative acts in the field of cadastre, prepared by other departments;

5. support the planning of the activity of the Agency for creation of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers, the specialized maps under the LPCA and the specialized maps for spatial planning;

6. assist and control the carrying out of the procedures for the creation of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers, of the specialized maps of the sites under art. 6, para. 4 and 5 of the LPCA and the specialized maps for spatial planning;

7. prepare technical assignments and make proposals for awarding public procurements for elaboration of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers and of specialized maps under the LPCA;

8. carry out the acceptance, registration, processing and storage of cadastral and specialized data, including the maintenance in actual condition of the specialized maps under art. 6, para. 4 and 5 of the LCA;

9. exercise control over the concluded contracts for elaboration of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers and of the specialized maps under the LPCA and shall prepare a report for their implementation;

10. prepare answers to complaints, proposals and signals of natural and legal persons on issues related to the activities for creation and maintenance of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers and of the specialized map and registers of the sites under Art. 6, para. 4 and 5 of the LCA;

11. assist SGCC in the administrative service by providing cadastral information for the territory of the country.

Art. 15. (Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018, amended, SG No. 54 2020, effective 16.06.2020) Geodesy Directorate and cartography ":

1. assist the executive director in the implementation of the coordination and control of the activities in the field of geodesy and cartography;

2. develop a long-term program and strategy for the development of the activities in geodesy and cartography;

3. prepare analyzes, reports, opinions and answers to received questions in the field of geodesy and cartography;

4. participate in the elaboration of drafts of normative acts in the field of geodesy and cartography, develop methodical instructions on their application and co-ordinate drafts of normative acts in the field of geodesy and cartography, prepared by other departments;

5. plan and organize the assignment, control and acceptance of the main geodetic and cartographic activities;

6. prepare technical assignments and make proposals for awarding public procurements for assignment of the elaboration of the geodetic networks with local purpose, the working geodetic base, the state leveling network and the network of tide gauge stations, the state gravimetric network and the large-scale topographic map;

7. manage methodically and coordinate the services of geodesy, cartography and cadastre in the implementation and acceptance of geodetic and cartographic activities;

8. organize and maintain the activity of the State Geodetic, Cartographic and Cadastral Fund (Geocard Fund) and the servicing with geodetic, cartographic and geoinformation materials and data;

9. administer and maintain the databases with geodetic, cadastral and specialized information in the created electronic archive of the Geocard Fund and monitor the functioning of the specialized information system;

10. keep a register of the geographical names in the Republic of Bulgaria, establish their transcription and spelling and the introduction of their standardized forms for the needs of the topography, cartography, cadastre, the mass media, the publishing houses, as well as for other users;

11. carry out the coordination and control over the implementation of the concluded contracts for performance of geodetic activities and elaboration of cartographic materials and data and prepare a report for their implementation;

12. organize and control the activity for entry and deletion in the registers of the competent persons;

13. carry out scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the administrative units regarding the implementation of the normative acts and instructions applicable to the activity of the Agency;

14. carry out other inspections on specific issues and cases, assigned by an order of the Executive Director of the Agency, including regarding the provision or refusal to provide administrative services;

15. analyze the practice of application of the normative acts in geodesy, cartography and cadastre by the administrative units of the Agency and, if necessary, make proposals for their amendment;

16. analyze the reasons for established violations, established during inspections, and propose measures for their future prevention;

17. make proposals for new or for amendment of the interdepartmental acts, regulating the organization of the work and the activity of the Agency;

18. check the signals against illegal or incorrect actions or inactions of employees of the Agency;

19. prepare answers to complaints, proposals and signals of natural and legal persons on issues related to the activity of the Agency;

20. participate in the acceptance of the materials and the data, received in the process of mapping of the seismic risk.

Art. 16. (Repealed, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018)

Art. 17. (Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018, amended, SG No. 54 2020, effective 16.06.2020) Information Directorate technologies and spatial data ":

1. assist the executive director in the implementation of the coordination and control of the activities in the field of the specialized information systems and of the information system of the cadastre;

2. maintain the databases with cadastral and specialized information in working and up-to-date condition and monitor their functioning;

3. administer the activity for granting the right of access of the users to the information and technical resources in the infrastructure of the Agency and protect the information from unauthorized access;

4. organize and coordinate the integration of new information and geoinformation systems and the expansion of the functionality of the existing ones;

5. organize and coordinate the activities for ensuring interaction of the information systems of the Agency with the information systems of other departments and organizations;

6. participate in the elaboration of drafts of normative acts in the field of the information systems and the electronic management and co-ordinates drafts of normative acts, prepared by other departments;

7. assist and consult the specialized units in the Agency when working with specialized information and geoinformation systems;

8. plan, organize and carry out the material and technical supply of the Agency with equipment related to information and communication technologies, software, internet supply, telecommunication services, acquisition, development and maintenance of information and communication systems;

9. maintain information on official registers of the users, of the computer and peripheral equipment, of the communication equipment of the Agency, of the used software products and the information systems and services;

10. coordinate the activities related to the implementation of the electronic management in the Agency;

11. organize and control the construction and maintenance of spatial data infrastructure in fulfillment of the Agency's commitments under the Access to Spatial Data Act and Directive 2007/2 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of spatial information infrastructure in the European Community ( INSPIRE) (Directive 2007/2 / EC);

12. organize and control the creation of metadata with certain content for the spatial data sets and services falling within the scope of Directive 2007/2 / EC;

13. organize and control the provision of interoperability and harmonization of the spatial data sets and the related services;

14. organize and control the construction and maintenance of a network of services (network services), related to the arrays of and spatial data services, for which metadata have been created;

15. communicate with the European institutions on the implementation of Directive 2007/2 / EC;

16. organize the maintenance of the information-communication environment and of specialized information and geoinformation systems of the Agency;

17. ensure the provision of electronic administrative services by the Agency and propose guidelines for their development;

18. carry out the coordination and control over the implementation of the concluded contracts for the maintenance of the information and geoinformation systems of the Agency and prepare a report for their implementation;

19. support the implementation of procedures under the Public Procurement Act, related to the construction, maintenance and development of information systems, information and communication environment and electronic services;

20. participate in the management and implementation of the network and information security policies.



Art. 18. (1) The services of geodesy, cartography and cadastre shall be managed by a chief.

(2) (suppl. - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) The area of ​​action of the service of geodesy, cartography and cadastre for maintenance of the cadastral map and the cadastral registers in actual condition shall be the territory of the district in whose administrative center its seat is.

(3) The services of geodesy, cartography and cadastre shall perform administrative servicing also outside the region under para. 2 on the basis of an order of the executive director.

(4) (Repealed, SG No. 54/2020, effective 16.06.2020)

(5) The Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre shall carry out the following activities:

1. (amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018) accept and store the materials and data provided by the municipalities, ministries and other departments for the creation of the cadastral map and cadastral registers;

2. (amend. SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020) control and accept the cadastral map and the cadastral registers and the specialized maps and registers;

3. enter in the information system of the cadastre the approved cadastral map and registers;

4. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

5. establish incompleteness or errors and obvious factual errors in the approved cadastral maps;

6. keep up to date the cadastral map and the cadastral registers;

7. participate in commissions in the cases determined by law;

8. (revoked - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)

9. provide data and services to individuals and legal entities;

10. manage the movable and immovable property of the Agency on the territory of the respective district.

11. (new - SG 39/2018, in force from 11.05.2018, repealed - SG 54/20, in force from 16.06.2020)


Chapter four.



Art. 19. (1) The activity of the Agency shall be carried out by civil servants and by employees, working under labor legal relation.

(2) The civil servants and the persons, working under labor legal relation in the Agency, shall perform the tasks assigned to them and shall be responsible before their direct manager for the performance of the work according to their job characteristics.

Art. 20. The secondment of employees of the Agency in the country and abroad, as well as for specializations shall be carried out by the executive director or by an official authorized by him.

Art. 21. The employees of the Agency shall identify themselves with an official card.

Art. 22. (1) The employees of the Agency may be awarded with distinctions for exemplary performance of their official duties.

(2) Proposal for awarding under par. 1 may be made by a director of a directorate, a head of a service of geodesy, cartography and cadastre or a head of a department.

Art. 23. (1) For performance of certain tasks, connected with the activity of the Agency, external experts may be involved.

(2) The rights and obligations of the persons under para. 1 shall be determined in the order for their attraction and / or in the contract concluded with them by the executive director in coordination with the Secretary General.

Chapter five.



Art. 24. The structure and functions of the units in the directorates, as well as the functional relations between them shall be determined by an order of the executive director upon proposal of the Secretary General.

Art. 25. (1) The director of the directorate and the head of the service of geodesy, cartography and cadastre shall manage, organize, control, plan, coordinate, report and bear responsibility for the activity and performance of the tasks of the respective directorate or service in accordance with its defined functions.

(2) In addition to the functions determined by the regulations, the directors shall perform other tasks assigned to them by the executive director in the field of their activity.

Art. 26. (1) The working hours of the employees in the Agency at 5-day working week shall be 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week.

(2) The working hours of the employees in the Agency shall have variable limits from 8.00 to 19.00, with obligatory presence in the period from 10.00 to 16.00 and with a lunch break of 30 minutes between 12.00 and 14.00

(3) The Executive Director of the Agency shall annually determine the distribution of the working hours of the separate structural units in the Agency, as well as of certain employees, in compliance with the conditions under para. 1 and 2.

(4) The working hours of the employees in the Agency, except for the cases in which for separate structural units and certain employees another working hours have been determined by the order of para. 3, is from 9.00 am to 5.30 pm

(5) The executive director or an official authorized by him shall determine by an order the order for entry of the employees of the administration in the buildings of the Agency and the access regime for officials and citizens.

Art. 27. The organization of the document circulation in the Agency shall be determined by an order of the Executive Director.

Art. 28. The order for carrying out inquiries and other services under the cadastre shall be determined by the ordinance of art. 58, para. 1 CPRA.

Chapter six.



Art. 29. (Repealed, SG No. 54/2020, effective 16.06.2020)


Final provisions


§ 1. The regulations are adopted on the grounds of art. 15 of the Cadastre and Property Register Act and Art. 55 of the Administration Act.

§ 2. The Executive Director shall approve the work schedule of the Agency within one month from the entry into force of the Regulations.


Final provisions



(Promulgated - SG, issue 39 of 2018, in force since May 11, 2018)


§ 15. At the proposal of the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works the Minister of Finance shall perform by the order of art. 110, para. 3 of the Public Finance Act, the resulting internally compensated changes of the approved expenditures under budget programs "Regulatory regulation and control of construction products and the investment process in construction" and "Geodesy, cartography and cadastre" within the approved expenditures under "Policy in the field of improving the investment process by improving the information systems of the cadastre and the property register, improving the quality of preventive and current control in construction and construction products "under the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for 2018.

§ 16. The decree shall enter into force on the day of its promulgation in the State Gazette.


Final provisions



(Promulgated - SG, issue 54 of 2020, IN FORCE FROM 16.06.2020)


§ 12. The decree shall enter into force on the day of its promulgation in the State Gazette.

Annex to Art. 6, para. 2


(Amended, SG No. 39/2018, effective 11.05.2018, amended, SG No. 54 2020, effective 16.06.2020)


Number of employees in the Agency for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre at the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works - 417 full-time positions 

Executive Director


Secretary General


Information Security Officer


Finance Controller


Network and Information Security Officer


General administration




“Administrative, Legal and Financial Services” Directorate


Specialized administration




“Cadastral and Specialized Maps” Directorate


“Geodesy and Cartography” Directorate


“Information Technologies and Spatial Data” Directorate


Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre regional offices


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