Project: "Specialized trainings for employees of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency ",
Project: "Specialized trainings for employees of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency ", Administrative Agreement No BG05SFOP001-2.006-0004-C01/09.07.2018, grant under the Operational Program "Good Governance"
ü Total project cost: 189 216,00 BGN
ü Implementation period: 09 July 2018 – 08 July 2019
ü Project objective: Improvement of the specialized knowledge and skills of employees of the specialized administration of the Geodesy, cartography and cadaster agency.
ü Project activities:
1. Organizing and conducting training on "Modern Earth Surveying and Mapping Technologies".
2. Organizing and conducting training on "Spatial Data Infrastructure".
3. Organization and conduct of training on "Rights, obligations and responsibilities of Cadastral Offices (CO), documents requiring CO, documents that issue a CO in its procedures for: provision of cadastral data to agencies and municipalities, reconciliation of administrative procedures, carried out by other institutional bodies, maintenance of the cadastral map and cadastral registers in the current state";
4. Organizing and conducting training on "Raising the expertise of the CO staff in conducting administrative procedures related to the maintenance of the CMCR in current state and in the provision of administrative services.
ü Expected results: Trained and certified administration staff - 280 people.
The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program "Good Governance", co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund.