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Into force from 02.03.2001г.

Issued by the minister of the regional development and public works

Updated by an OG, ed. 19 from 2 Мarch 2001г, amended by an OG, ed. 15 from 17 February 2006,, amended and supplemented by an OG, ed. 81 from 10 October 2017.


Chapter one.

Article 1. (Amended by an OG, ed. 81 from (*)) With the ordinance the order, by which the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre keeps and stores the register of the individuals entitled to operate on the cadaster, hereinafter referred to as “the register” is defined.  



              Article 2. (1) The certification for operations on the cadaster by individuals is personal.  

  (2) The total number of the certified to operate on the cadaster natural persons and legal entities is not limited.

  (3) The entities can operate on the cadastre within the territory of the whole country.



Article 3. (1) (Former text of article 3, supplemented by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006). A natural person may be entered in the register, if he/she meets the requirements from article 17, subpar. 1, point 1 from the Cadastre and Property Register Law (CPRL).

(2) (New – OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) Sole proprietorship may be entered in the register if it meets the requirements from article 17, subpar. 1, point 1 from the CPRL and in his permanent specialized board has at least one per every 10 persons, who is a certified individual.

(3) (New – OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006)  A certified natural person can be a part of the permanent specialized board of only one legal entity.

(4) (New – OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) A certified natural person can ensure certification only to one sole proprietorship or one legal entity.



Article 4. (supplement by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006). A legal entity may be entered into the register if it meets the requirements from article 17, subpar. 1, point 2 from the CPRL.


Chapter two.

Section I.
Register content

Article. 5. (1) (supplemented by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) The register consists of the consignments of the certified individuals. The consignments are sorted into volumes (binders) by 20. The volumes (binders) are numerated in ascending continuous order.  

(2) The consignment is managed as per a model in accordance with the annex.



Article. 6. (supplement by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006.) The consignment of every certified individual consists of:

1.order number;

2.type of the individual as per article 17 from the CPRL – natural person, sole proprietorship, legal entity; of entry of the certified individual in the register;

4.(amendment by an OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) number and date of the order of the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and  cadastre as per article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL for entering in the register.  

5.(supplement by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) name of the natural person, PIN, correspondence address and telephone and electronic address, for the sole proprietorship – a name, registered office, code as per BULSTAT(national statistic number), management address as well;

6.(supplement by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) a name, registered office, code as per BULSTAT(national statistic number), management address, telephone, electronic address, name and PIN of the legal entity’s representative;

7.(amendment. by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment by an OG, ed. 81 from 2017. (*)) number and date of the order of the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre as per article 21, subpar. 3 or  article 4 from the  CPRL;

8. (amendment - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) date of entry of the obliteration from the register of the certified individual and the term as per article 21, subpar. 2 from the CPRL;

9. (cancellation. - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006)

10. (suplement - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) number of the issued certificate or certification card;

11. (new - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - by an OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) list of the individuals as per article 11, subpar. 3, point 2;

12. (former point 11 - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006.) notes on the entered circs.



Article 7. (1) In addition to each consignment of a certified individual, a dossier with a permanent storage term is being created and managed. The consignment dossier has the number of the consignment.  

(2) In the dossier from subpar. 1 the following is being stored:

1. (amendment - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) the application as per article 10 or article 11 with the documents enclosed to it;

2. (amendment - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) the orders of the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre for entering/obliteration from the register;

3. copies of the acts finding violations;

4. (cancellation - by an OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006)

5. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017   (*)) the list as per article 10, subpar. 3, point 5, accordingly as per article 11, subpar. 3, point 2;

6. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) the application, accordingly the report as per article 15, subpar. 1.

(3) (amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) Alongside with the dossier other documents can be stored that are in connection to the certified individual’s operation meaning tasks assigned by the cadastre, including complaints, petitions and reports of the specialized authorities of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre when an inspection is carried out.



Article 8. (1) (amendment. - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017  (*)) The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre keeps a register for the applications filed for register entry.

(2) (suplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) In the journal from subpar. 1 are being written down all the certification applications, the names of their applicants, the date of their submission to the agency, the name and date of the order issues as per article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL  and the number and date of issue of the order as per article 21, subpar. 3 or 4 from the CPRL.

(3) (suplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) Except for the date from subpar. 2 in the journal there is also other information written – data about the complaints against an executive director of the agency’s refusal to decree the requested entry, data about decisions of the minister of the regional development and public works as per article 18, subpar. 3 from the CPRL and about the decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court about complaints against refusals as per article 18, subpar. 4 from the CPRL and about complaints against refusals as per article 21, subpar. 3 or 4 from the CPRL.


(4) (suplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) All of the written requests of the certified persons as per article 21, subpar. 1, point 1 from the CPRL are also being written down in the journal, as well as all the acts – obliteration basis of the certified persons from the register as per article 21, subpar. 1, points 2-5 from the CPRL.  



Article. 9. (amendment - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre manages a special book for the acts for violation of obligations establishing by the certified persons as per article 20, subpar. 1 from the CPRL.


Section II.
Keeping and storage of the register

Article. 10. (1) (amendment - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) The candidates – natural persons, submit a written application to the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre for entering in the register.

(2) (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment. - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) The application from subpar. 1 contains:

1. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) name, PIN, permanent address, current address and correspondence address, telephone and electronic address;

2. for sole proprietorship, except for the data from point 1, as well:

а) code as per BULSTAT;

б) a company, under which the business is doneфирма, под която се извършва дейността;

в) registered office and head office;

г) subject of operation;

д) data for the entry of the sole proprietorship in the commercial register – number of the company act, number of the consignment, volume, page.

(3) (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) To the application from subpar. 1, the following shall be enclosed:

1. a copy from a document, certifying completed university education in geodesy with an educational – qualification degree master-engineer; 

2. employment curriculum;

3. documents, certifying a two yearlong internship in the area of the cadastre; документи, удостоверяващи наличие на двегодишен стаж в областта на кадастъра;

4. (supplement - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) criminal record certificate or a code of an electronic criminal record certificate;

5. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) the natural persons – sole proprietorships, as well enclose a current document from the National Social Security Institute for the number of the insured people on the basis of an employment contract in the sole proprietorship and a list of the permanent specialized board, including the certified natural persons, containing their full names, PIN, specialty and occupation.

(4) (New - OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The documents from subpar. 3 are not requested from the applicant, when the data that they content may be taken from registers of the public administration. In such case, the date from subpar. 3 is only pointed out. The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre collects officially the data and documents necessary.

      (5) (New - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) If the necessary data and documents from subpar. 3 are not contained in the registers of the public administration, they respectively cannot be taken from them. The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre may request them from the applicant.

Article 11. (1) (Amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) The candidates – legal entities submit a written application to the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre for entering in the register, which is signed by the authority that represents them.  

(2) (Amendment - OG, ed.. 81 from 2017 (*)) The application from subpar. 1 contains:

1. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, supplement - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) name, code as per BULSTAT, subject of operation, registered office, head office of the applicant, correspondence address, telephone, electronic address and contact person;

2. number of the people employed in the permanent specialized board;

3. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) number of the natural persons, acquired certification in compliance with article 17, subpar. 1, point 1 from the CPRL, included in the permanent specialized board.

 (3) (Amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) To the application from subpar. 1, the following shall be enclosed:

1. current document from the National Social Security Institute for the number of the people insured on the basis of an employment contract in the legal entity – applicant for entering in the register (trading company, cooperative);

2. a list of the permanent specialized board, including the certified natural persons, contacting their full names, PIN, specialty and occupation.  

(4) (New - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) The documents from subpar. 3 are not requested from the applicant, when the data that they content may be taken from registers of the public administration. In such case, the date from subpar. 3 is only pointed out. The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre collects officially the data and documents necessary

(5) (New - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) If the necessary data and documents from subpar. 3 are not contained in the registers of the public administration, they respectively cannot be taken from them. The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre may request them from the applicant.



Article 12. (1) (Amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) The executive director of the  Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre issues an order in accordance with article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL for entering the candidate in the register, if all the requested by the law conditions are present.

(2) The entry in the register shall be done no later than the first working day, following the day of the issue of the order from subpar. 1.



Article 13. (1) (Amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) For the completed register entry a certificate on the basis of a model, approved with an order by the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre is provided to the applicant.

(2) The certificate from subpar. 1 is a deduction from the consignment of the certified person on the basis of article 6.

(3) (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) To the certified natural persons, except for the certificate from subpar. 1, upon request  a card for the certification on the basis of a model , approved with an order by the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre  is issues as well.

(4) (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) Legal entity and sole proprietorship certificates as well as certification cards for the natural persons are being issued only after paying a price, defined in accordance with article 18, subpar. 1. 



Article 13а. (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) (1) For the certificate or the certification card issue, the natural persons submit the following documents:

1. a photo;

2. document for the payment;

(2) A new certificate or certification card is issued when:

1. there is a change in the date that is subject of entry;

2. damage, destruction, loss or theft of the certificate or the certification card;

3. an order issue on the basis of article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL after the expiration of the obliteration form the register term or in case of a removal of the obliteration basis.  


(3) For the issue of a new certificate and/or certification cards, the person submits the documents from subpar. 1 and a declaration certifying the facts from subpar. 2.



Article 14. (Amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) The individuals, who acquired certification by the order of the Cadastre and Property Register Law, are obligated to inform in a written form the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre in the event of changes of the facts that are subject of entry, within 7 days from the changes happening.  



Article 14а. (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) (1) Obliteration from the register is done in the following cases:  

1. occurance of the facts from article 21, subpar. 1, points 1-5 from the CPRL;

2. submission of false date;

3. establishment of a breach of the obligation from article 14.

(2) (Amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) The obliteration from the register can also be done on the initiative of an industry association of the surveyors. The violations established are described in an official written report to the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre.  



Article 15. (Amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006 (1) amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) For obliteration from the register, a written application shall be submitted on behalf of the certified individual if the facts from article 21, subpar. 1, points 1 and 3 from the CPRL occur.  In the cases of article 21, subpar. 1, points 2, 4 and 5 from the CPRL and of article 14а, subpar. 1, points 2 and 3 from the regulation for obliteration of the certified individual from the register a report is made from the officers on the basis of article 16. When there is an act composite based on article 21, subpar. 4 from the CPRL, it is enclosed to the report.

(2) (Amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The act for the failure to fulfil the obligations from article 20, subpar. 1 from the CPRL is composed by the director of the geodesy mapping and cadastre office or by another individual, defined with an order by the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre and is given to the individual on the basis of the order of  the Code of Civil Procedure. The individual can make written objections against the act in front of its compiler within a 3-day period from its receipt.

(3) (Amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) After the expiration of the term under subpar. 2, the act is sent to the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre for the issue of order under article 21, subpar. 4 from the CPRL.

(4) (Amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre issues an order in accordance with article 21, subpar. 3 and 4 from the CPRL for the obliteration of the certified person from the register on the basis of the application or the report under subpar. 1 and the act under subpar. 2.  

(5) The consignment of the certified person is closed no later than the first working day, following the day on which the issued order under subpar. 4 has entered into force.  

(6) After entering of the order under subpar. 4 into force, this fact is marked in the register, where it shall be noted that the certification card or the certificate have been annulated. 



Article 15а. (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) An individual that has been obliterated from the register, can again be entered upon their application, if the facts that had caused their obliteration have been removed or dropped, or if the term under article 21, subpar. 2 from the CPRL has expired.



Article 16. (1) (Amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The entries and the obliterations from the register are done by officers, defined by the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre  and have the following obligations:

1. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) check within a 14-day period from the submission of the application under article 10, respectively article 11 if the facts from article 17 from the CPRL are present so that the candidate is entered in the register and give their positon for either entry or a refusal;


2. (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) inform the candidates in writing for irregularities in their applications within a 7-day period from their review;

3. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) provide opinion for a refusal for entering in the register in cases where the irregularities under point 2 are not fixed;

4. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006.) Make proposal for the term, in which the individual can be entered in the register based on the act under article 21, subpar. 4 from the CPRL;

5. (former point 2, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) make the entries and the obliterations in the register based on the orders under article 18, subpar. 2 и article 21, subpar. 3 and 4 from the CPRL;

6. (former point 3, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) give the certificates and the certification cards under article 13, subpar. 1 and 3;

7. (former point 4, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) input the amendments of the facts, that are subject of entry in the register, collected by the order of article 14;

8. (former point 5, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) prepare a report of obliteration from the register;

9. (former point 6, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) give references for the facts entered in the register;

10. (former point 7, amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) keep the journal under article 8 and the special book under article 9, assemble and store the consignment dossiers.  

11. (new - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) do official inspections in the registers of the public administration, which contain the data under article 10, subpar. 2 and article 11, subpar. 2, and request the officially needed documents under article 10, subpar. 3 и article 11, subpar. 3.

(2) The officers from subpar. 1 put a date and a signature after each entry.

Chapter three.

Чл. 17. The register of the individuals, certified to operate on the cadastre is public.


Чл. 18. (1) (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) Тhe issue of a certificate and a certification card, as well as the provision of written references by the register is done after the payment of a tax, defined in the tariff under article 8, subpar. 2 from the Cadastre and Property Register Law.   

(2) The written references are done by an excerpt from the consignment of the certified individual under article 6.



Article 19. (1) (Former text of article 19, amendment and supplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre provides on yearly basis an updated list of the certified individuals under article 6, points 5 and 6 to every geodesy, mapping and cadastre office. The list is put on a visible place in the building of the geodesy, mapping and cadastre office so that it is available to the citizens. Date for the personal identification number of the individuals is not included in the list.  

(2) (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) On the webpage of the Agency of geodesy mapping and cadaster an updated list of the certified individuals is published, as well as a list of the individuals obliterated from the register, where the obliteration term is also included. The update is done after an issue of the order under article 18, subpar. 2 or under article 21, subpar. 3 and 4 from the CPRL.



Article 20. (New - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) In order to keep the register of the individuals, certified to operate on the cadastre updated, the Agency of geodesy mapping and cadaster requires from the certified individuals and from the public authorities and institutions data relevant to the facts that are subject of entry.


Additional regulations

§ 1. (1) For professional experience in the field of the cadastre what is taken into account is the time, during which the individual has done operations in connection to the Cadastre and Property Register Law, the revoked Law on the unified cadastre of the National republic of Bulgaria, the Town and Country planning Law, as well as operations connected to the applying of the Law on ownership and the use of agricultural lands and the Law on restoration of the ownership on the forests and lands of the forestry fund, including:

1. on the basis of an employment contract or an official;

2. as a sole proprietorship;

3. (suplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) as a partner in a trading company and/or as an individual who manages and/or represents a trading company, the subject of operation of which is in accordance to the requirement under article 17, subpar. 1, point 2 from the CPRL;

4. as a researcher or teacher in an university or in an high technical school for geodesy and cadastre.

(2) The professional experience under subpar. 1 is to be proved:

1. (amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) with an occupational, official or an insurance license;

2. (amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*)) in the cases under subpar. 1, points 2 and 3 – with a reference from the commercial register for a registration of the trader;

3. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) with copies from acceptance protocols for operations assigned under subpar. 1.



§ 2. (1) Operations on the cadastre, that the certified within the meaning of the CPRL individuals can do are:

1. the operations in the cadastral map and the cadastral registers creation in accordance with the requirements from chapter five from the CPRL;

 2. (suplement - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) the making of sketches of land plots and buildings, combined sketches for complete or partial identity of the borders of land plots, sketches of individual establishments in buildings, property separation and integration projects, as well as doing the relevant to them geodetic measurements under the conditions of article 12, subpar. 3 from the CPRL;  

3. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) the activities in the creation of specialized maps and registers in accordance with the requirements from chapter four from the CPRL;

4. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) preparation of expert reports and statements about matters in the field of the cadastre, in the capacity of experts in front of the court.  

(2) (amendment -  OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) The activities under subpar. 1, point 2 are done on the basis of an approved cadastral map and cadastral registers, and until their approval for the relevant area – on the basis of the maps, the plans, the registers and the other documentation under article 41, subpar. 1, point 1 from the CPRL.


§ 2а. (new - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006) In the permanent specialized board of the legal entity or the sole proprietorship the natural persons on employment contract for undefined time and the partners or the owners of the legal entity or the sole proprietorship are included.

Transitional and final provisions

§ 3. The ordinance is issued based on article 22 from the Cadastre and property Register Law (OG, ed. 34 from 2000).



§ 4. (amendment- OG, ed. 81 from 2017  (*)) The ordinance executions is assigned to the executive director of the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre.



§ 5. The ordinance enters into force on the day of its promulgation in an “OG”.


Transitional and final provisions

(PROMULGATED - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006)


§ 21. (1) The certified individuals entered in the register – legal entities and sole proprietorships adduce their permanent specialized board in accordance to the requirements from article 2, subpar. 2-4 for a period of three months from the ordinance entering into force. (2) In cases of non-compliance with the ordinance under subpar. 1, the certified individual is being obliterated from the register.  



§ 22. The ordinance enters into force on the day of its promulgation in an “OG”.




( PROMULGATED - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 )


§ 9. Everywhere in the ordinance the words "Cadastre agency", "Agency of cadastre", "office of cadastre" "request", "the request ", " the requests" and "by writing" are replaced by respectively " Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre ", "The Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre", "The geodesy, mapping and cadastre office", " geodesy, mapping and cadastre office ", "application", "the application ", " application s" and "written".

Final provisions


§ 10. The ordinance enters into force after the Agency of geodesy, mapping and cadastre joins the environment for interregister exchange RegiX.


Annex to article 5, subpar. 2


(Amendment - OG, ed. 15 from 2006, into force from 17.02.2006, amendment - OG, ed. 81 from 2017 (*))





Consignment of the certified individual under article 17, subpar. 1,point 1 from the CPRL

(natural person)

№ ..............................................................................................................................................

Opened on.........................................../................................................../...............................

Closed on.........................................../................................................../................................

Name ..........................................................................................., PIN ....................................

Correspondencе address .....................................................................................................


Certificate № .................................................................................

Certification card  № ...............................................................................................

1. Order under article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL for entering in the register № .........../............................ г.

2. Order under article 21, subpar. 3 from the CPRL for obliteration from the register № ........../......................... г.

3. Order under article 21, subpar. 4 from the CPRL for obliteration from the register  № ........../......................... г.

4. Term under article 21, subpar. 2 from the CPRL, during which the certification is lost та ..........................


5. Notes ...........................................................................................................................










Consignment of the certified individual under article 17, subpar. 1,point 2 from the CPRL

 (legal entity or a sole proprietorship)

№ ..............................................................................................................................................

Opened on .........................................../................................................../...............................

Closed on .........................................../................................................../................................

Name ........................................................................................................................

Registered office ................................................................................................................................

BULSTAT ................................................................................, PIN ....................................



(name and occupation of the representative of the legal entity or the sole proprietorship)

Head office .............................................................................................................

Telephone/fax/e-mail /...............................................................................................................

Certificate № .................................................................................

1. . Order under article 18, subpar. 2 from the CPRL for entering in the register № .........../............................ г.

2. Order under article 21, subpar. 3 from the CPRL for obliteration from the register № ........../......................... г.

3. Order under article 21, subpar. 4 from the CPRL for obliteration from the register  № ........../......................... г.

4. Term under article 21, subpar. 2 from the CPRL, during which the certification is lost та..................................................................................................................................................

5. Specialised board ............................................................................................ people

6. A list of the certified individuals under articl1 7, subpar. 1, point 1 from the CPRL:

6.1. Name...................................................................................................................................

PIN .........................................................................................................................................

Order for entering in the register № .........................................../..................................... г.

Certificate  № ..................................................................................

Consigment № .............................................................................................................................

6.2. Name ...................................................................................................................................

PIN .........................................................................................................................................

Order for entering in the register № .........................................../..................................... г.

Certificate № ..................................................................................

Consigment № ..............................................................................................................................

6.3. Име ...................................................................................................................................

PIN .........................................................................................................................................

Order for entering in the register № .........................................../..................................... г.

Certificate № ..................................................................................

Consigment № ..............................................................................................................................

7. Notes ...........................................................................................................................





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