1016 Making changes in the cadastral map
Services from the cadastral map and registers
1016 Making changes in the cadastral map
- The changes in the cadastral map are made in respect of all occurred changes in the boundaries of the real estates in: elimination of incompleteness or errors, elimination of obvious factual error, application of detailed development plans, change of the boundaries of land properties as a result of change of the borders of the administrative-territorial units, of the land borders and of the borders of territories with the same permanent purpose, drawing of constructed and attached buildings, deletion of buildings, drawing of new ones, as well as division or merging of separate sites in buildings or technical facilities. infrastructure, change of the boundaries of the landed properties by mutual consent of the owners, division, division or unification of the real estates.
- Based on:
- Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 51
- Ordinance № RD-02-20-5 of 15.12.2016 on the content, creation and maintenance of the cadastral map and cadastral registers - Art. 55; Art. 56
- Ordinance № PD-02-20-4 of 11.10.2016 on the provision of services from the cadastral map and cadastral registers - Art. 40, para. 2-5
- The service is also provided as an internal administrative:
- No
- Administrative service body:
- Deadline for submission:
- 14 working days
- Validity of the document / individual administrative act:
- Unlimited
- Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority for the provision of the service:
- Body before which an individual administrative act is appealed:
- Administrative court at the location of the property
- Procedure, including deadlines for appealing against the actions of the body providing the service:
- Procedure for appeal:
- You file the appeal to the Administrative Court at the location of the property.
- Deadline for appeal:
- 14 days from receipt of the notice for issuance of the administrative act.
- Restrictions and conventions:
I. The service is provided electronically:
1. Through the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS) - in order to request the service electronically you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS) and a qualified electronic signature;
2. Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS).
II. Where the amendment requires the consent or opinion of another body, the time limit for making the amendment may be extended, but by no more than 14 days. The term for implementation of the service does not include the time for notifying the interested persons.
- Email address where the service is provided:
- Email for inquires:
Administrative units
Requirements, procedures, instructions
Form and manner of requesting the service
The application is submitted by an interested person or his representative through the web portal for online services - KAIS (registration in the portal is required) or at the DESK. When ordering a service at the DESK, the application is filled in electronically by an employee of regional geodesy, cartography and cadastre agency office - no pre-filled application is required.
Necessary documents
- Application;
- Identity document - when ordering at the counter or signing the application with a qualified electronic signature by the interested person (owner or holder of other real rights over the property) or a person authorized by him - when applying through KAIS for registered users;
- Number of certificate for accepted project for amendment of the cadastral map and cadastral registers or name of the applicant;
- Document for ownership or other real right - is presented, if it is not registered in the registry office and / or for it no property account has been created with an identifier by the order of CPRA;
- Certificate of civil status or a copy of a civil status certificate - in cases where the property is a matrimonial property community, and the title deed indicates only one of the spouses;
- Certificate of identity of persons with different names - if necessary;
- Document proving legal interest in requesting the service - in the absence of a document of ownership or other real right;
- Certificate for heirs - the application is submitted by an heir;
- Power of attorney - in cases of authorization.
Result of the service
The changes in the cadastral map are approved by an order of the head of regional geodesy, cartography and cadastre agency office, in the cases of art. 53b and Art. 54 of the CPRA. The order is subject to notification by the order of APC and to appeal by the order and in the terms, provided in art. 53b, para. 7 and 8 and Art. 54, para. 6 of CPRA.
Application for services provided by KKKR –
There is no charge for the service
For the made change, at the request of the applicant, a "Certificate for presence or absence of data" can be issued - service No. 589 of the Register of Services