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554 Determining and preserving a real estate identifier and entering it in the cadastral register of identifiers and their changes


Services from the cadastral map and registers

554 Determining and preserving a real estate identifier and entering it in the cadastral register of identifiers and their changes

  • Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) gives an identifier of a real estate and enters it in the cadastral register of the identifiers and their changes. The identifier is a unique number through which the real estate is uniquely identified for the territory of the country. Identifier is given in the following cases: in case of judicial and voluntary division, in case of sale of part of the real estate, in case of merging of neighboring real estates, in case of division of real estate at the request of owner, in case of change of permanent purpose of real estate, in case of new object of the cadastre. When maintaining the cadastral map and the cadastral registers, after providing the respective functionality, the identifiers will be generated by the Cadastre Information System.
  • Based on:
  • Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 26, para. 3
  • Ordinance № RD-02-20-3 of 29.09.2016 on the structure and content of the identifier of the real estate and the number of the restricted area in the cadastre - Art. 10, para. 1
  • The service is also provided as an internal administrative:
  • No
  • Administrative service body:
  • CEO
  • Deadline for submission:
  • 3 working days
  • Validity of the document / individual administrative act:
  • Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority for the provision of the service:
  • CEO
  • Body before which an individual administrative act is appealed:
  • Administrative Court
  • Procedure, including deadlines for appealing against the actions of the body providing the service:
  • Procedure for appeal:

- You lodge the appeal with the Administrative Court.

  • Deadline for appeal:

- 14 days from receipt of the notice for issuance of the administrative act.

  • Restrictions and conventions:
  1. To request the service you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

To request the service electronically you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).

2. Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS).

3. The service is performed until providing functionality in conjunction with Art. 10, para. 1 of Ordinance № RD-02-20-3 / 29.09.2016 on the structure and content of the identifier of the real estate and the number of the restricted area in the cadastre.

  • Email address where the service is provided:
  • Email for inquires :

Administrative units

Requirements, procedures, instructions

Form and manner of requesting the administrative service

- With an application at the counter in the center for administrative service / application is submitted to any service of geodesy, cartography and cadastre (SGKK), regardless of the location of the real estate. When ordering a service at the DESK, the application is filled in electronically by an employee of the regional GCCA office - no pre-filled application is required;

- Through the web portal for electronic services - KAIS (only for persons who have acquired legal capacity to work under the Law on Cadastre and Property Register.

- Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SЕSS).

Necessary documents


Form and manner of providing the service

A certificate is issued stating the identifiers. The certificate shall be provided to the applicant in the manner chosen by him.


Application for services provided by KKKR -…


There is no charge for the service


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