810 Entry in the register of the persons, qualified to perform activities under the cadastre
Legal certification services for geodesy, cartography or cadastre activities
810 Entry in the register of the persons, qualified to perform activities under the cadastre
- Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (GCCA) makes entries in the register of persons entitled to perform activities in the cadastre - individuals and legal entities.
- Registration
- Business activity:
- Protection of classified information
- Based on:
- Law on Cadastre and Property Register - Art. 18
- Ordinance № 3 of 16.02.2001 on keeping and storing the register of the persons capable of performing activities under the cadastre - Art. 10 ,, art. 11 and Art. 12
- The service is also provided as an internal administrative:
- No
- Authority issuing an individual administrative act:
- Deadline for submission:
- Up to 30 working days from the receipt of the application.
- Validity of the document / individual administrative act:
- Until a change in circumstances occurs.
- Authority exercising control over the activity of the authority for the provision of the service:
- Body before which an individual administrative act is appealed:
- Administrative Court
- Procedure, including deadlines for appealing against the actions of the body providing the service:
- Procedure for appeal, according to Art. 18, para 3 of CPRA:
- You file a complaint to the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works
- Procedure for appeal, according to Art. 18, para 4 of CPRA:
- You lodge the appeal with the relevant Administrative Court.
- Deadline for appeal:
- 14 days from receipt of the notice for issuance of the administrative act.
- Restrictions and conventions:
- The service is provided electronically:
1. Through the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS).
To request the service electronically, you must have a registration in the Cadastral-Administrative Information System (KAIS) and a qualified electronic signature.
2. Through the Secure Electronic Service System (SESS)
- Email address where the service is provided:
- Email address for inquiries:
- Public register:
- Register of persons capable of performing cadastral activities - http://www.cadastre.bg/registur.htm
Administrative units
Administrative units in which the documents are submitted and information on the progress of the file is received:
Control Department
Address: reg. Sofia (capital), municipality Stolichna, Sofia, Vitosha district, region Sofia (capital), municipality Stolichna, Vitosha district, 1 Musala Street, p.k. 1618
Long - distance dialing code: 02
Contact phone: 8188305
Email Address: Виж имейла...
Working hours: Standard working hours, from 09:00 to 17:30, without interruption.
Access for people with disabilities is provided in the unit
Geodesy and Cartography Directorate
Address: reg. Sofia (capital), municipality Stolichna, Sofia, Vitosha district, region Sofia (capital), municipality Stolichna, Sofia, Vitosha district, 1 Musala Str., P.k. 1618
Long - distance dialing code: 02
Email Address: Виж имейла...
Working hours: Standard working hours, from 09:00 to 17:30.
Access for people with disabilities is provided in the unit
Requirements, procedures, instructions
Manner of requesting the administrative service
The service is requested:
- On site in the administrative unit of the register of eligible persons - Sofia, 1 Musala Str. (AGCC building, official entrance);
- Through a courier service of your choice and at the expense of the applicant;
- Electronically through the web portal for online services KAIS;
- Through SESS.
Necessary documents
1. For persons:
Copy of a document for completed higher education in geodesy, master - engineer;
Job CV;
Document certifying the existence of two years of experience in the field of cadastre;
Certificate of criminal record - original or access code of an electronic criminal record;
Apart from the above documents, the persons - sole traders also enclose:
Document for entry in the Commercial Register - certified copy;
Certificate of current status of the sole trader - a certified copy;
Certificate for registration in BULSTAT / UIC - certified copy;
Document from the National Revenue Agency, certifying the number of insured persons under an employment contract in the sole trader - original;
List of the permanent specialized staff, including the qualified natural persons, containing the three names, PIN, specialty, position held, signature and date.
2. For legal entities:
Court decision / certificate for entry of the legal entity in the commercial register, with subject of activity according to art. 17, para. 1, item 2 of CPRA - certified copy;
Certificate from the commercial register for current status of the legal entity - certified copy;
Identification card / certificate for registration in BULSTAT register - certified copy;
Certificate from the National Revenue Agency for the number of insured persons under an employment contract in the legal entity, original;
List of the permanent specialized staff of the legal entity, containing the three names, PIN, specialty, position held, signature and date.
Form and method of delivery
The application is submitted for consideration by a Commission appointed by the Executive Director of GCCA. The Commission examines the documents and prepares a report and a protocol in which it describes the decisions taken. On the basis of the prepared documents and decisions an order is issued for entering the person in the register of the qualified persons.
The order is received by the person:
- On site in the administrative unit of the register of qualified persons in GCCA;
- By courier service of your choice and at the expense of the applicant.
Application from a natural person for entry in the register of persons entitled to perform cadastral activities - https://iisda.government.bg/adm_services/service_sample_file/14503_1034…
Application from a sole trader for entry in the register of persons entitled to perform cadastral activities - https://iisda.government.bg/adm_services/service_sample_file/14503_1034…
Application from a legal entity for entry in the register of persons entitled to perform cadastral activities - https://iisda.government.bg/adm_services/service_sample_file/14503_1034…
Ordinance № 3 of 16.02.2001 on keeping and storing the register of the persons entitled to perform cadastral activities
Ordinance № 3 of 16.02.2001 on keeping and storing the register of the persons entitled to perform cadastral activities
There is no charge for the service